Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. HCM-113: Health Policy & Saudi HC Sys

1. Training courses for all medical staff
who have contact with vincristine should be
definitely performed [10,11].

2. Vincristine should be contained in minibags
and the short continuous intravenous
infusion should be performed. Statistically,
this way of infusion does not increase the risk
of extravasation of the drug (0.31% – bolus
infusion, 0.4% short continuous infusion) [1114].

3. The alternative to mini-bags is the
preparation of the drug in big, 50 ml syringes
in small patient’s therapy, too. The use of 20
ml syringes only decreases the rate of this
complication but does not eliminate this
mistake [2,9,1114].

4. Special needles for lumbar puncture should
be used. These needles are not compatible with
the “luer” syringes which are used for standard
intravenous injections.

5. Vincristine must not ever be stored in the
room where the lumbar puncture is performed

6. Vincristine must not ever be transported
in the same box with other drugs prepared for
injection during lumbar puncture. Vincristine
should be transported in a special box with an
inscription “For intravenous use only – fatal if
given by other routes” [17].

7. Changes in therapeutic protocols should
be performed if it is possible. A diagnostic or
therapeutic lumbar puncture should not be
carried out on the same day as an intravenous
injection of vincristine [10].

9. Oncological drugs must be administered
only by oncological staff.

10. Each syringe should be carefully labelled:
the drug name, dose, method of administration,
and the name of the patient.

Paraphrase and summarize the up points as a pragraph.

Health Medical Homework Help

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