Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Practice and Professionalism in Health Care/ Medical Terminology

Practice and Professionalism in Health Care

Module 1

Knowledge of HIPAA is an essential part of the Medical Administrative Assistant role. The HIPAA Privacy Rule grants patients’ rights and access over their information created and maintained at a health organization including changing or amending their information when it is incorrect.

The first page of your submission will provide an overview of the privacy aspect of HIPAA, it’s importance, and a discussion of your reflections on the protections provided by the law and how that can be reflected in your own philosophy of providing excellent patient services.

The second page of your submission will be a formal letter, in block format, denying a patient’s request of health information at the health organization you work at. Written communication can reflect an organization’s image and the writer’s level of professionalism. When writing a formal letter, the format of the message must be appropriate content explaining the denial and have an understanding of the audience it is directed to- an organization’s patient.

This submission will contain two parts- Part A and Part B. Please submit as one document.

Requirements of Part A

  • Provide an overview of the privacy aspects of HIPAA and their importance
  • Discussion of own reflections of HIPAA and how it can assist customer service
  • Minimum of 1 page

Requirements of Part B

  • Draft a formal letter denying a patient request to their health information
  • Provide proper reason(s) why the request is being denied
  • Apply a tone within the letter that is directed towards your audience- patient
  • Use block letter formatting.
  • Remember to apply a tone that’s suitable for your medical patient audience.
  • Minimum of 1 page

Module 2

Policies are an integral component of an employee handbook. This week for your project, you will create an employee policy relating to HIPAA to include in your employee handbook.

In a minimum of 2 pages, include the following:

  • An office policy surrounding HIPAA and guidelines that employees must follow. Include in the office policy:
    • Principles and ethical beliefs of the organization
    • Why it’s important for your organization to follow HIPAA guidelines
    • The role that HIPAA guidelines play in upholding your organization’s values, integrity, and ethical practices.
    • Discuss how HIPAA policies may be received based on cultural differences.
  • As you draft your policy, remember your audience. You should use a suitable tone and develop your content in a way that will speak to and connect with your employee audience.

It may be helpful for you to compare various organizations’ privacy acts and regulations; organizations with and without HIPAA regulations pertaining to privacy.

Module 3

Diversity and teamwork are essential in the provisions of healthcare. No single professional can deliver a complete episode of healthcare. Teamwork is required for high quality and safe patient care. It is also important for healthcare organizations to recruit and retain a diverse group of employees that better reflect and meet the needs of diverse communities.

This week for your project, you will create an insert to be placed in your employee handbook on teamwork and the importance of diversity. This portion of your project will require you to conduct research. Include an APA formatted reference page that has a minimum of 2 academic sources, such as a book or an academic scholarly journal. Academic scholarly journals can be access through the Rasmussen Online Library.

In a minimum of 3 pages, please include the following:

  • Discuss what it means to display helpful and constructive contributions to work tasks.
  • Explain why it’s important to demonstrate professional and courteous behavior when engaging with patients as well as colleagues and how it can affect patient outcomes.
  • Describe current challenges and barriers within the medical profession based on culture, gender, and religious differences.
  • Describe some of the benefits of having a diverse workforce within the medical environments.

Module 4

Stress can affect your health and wellbeing if it is not properly addressed. Stress during the workday can leave you with a head and muscle aches, and less patience for the people you work with. If let continue, long term problems such as high blood pressure, depression and other illnesses can occur.

Most health care workers could benefit from learning some stress reduction techniques that are easy to implement and don’t require a large investment. Prepare a 1-2 page handout that you can share with the staff on ways to relieve stress.

Module 5

Soft skills are just as important as technical skills when working with patients in the office. It is also critical to have these skills when working with team members.

For this final part of the Employee Handbook, you will be preparing a PowerPoint presentation that will be shared with all new employees. Your presentation should include:

  • An overview of at least four soft skills that are essential when working with patients and team members.
  • Describe each soft skill’s importance within your organization when engaging with team members and patients.
  • How one can develop and improve upon each soft skill.

If you are new to creating a PowerPoint presentation, the following free tutorial website – – will walk you through how to get started.

This is another website for using PowerPoint – – but you need to use Internet Explorer to access it.

Part II

You section of the Employee Handbook is now complete! This week you will be compiling your course project. You will need to create:

  • a cover page
  • a table of contents
  • 1-2 paragraphs summarizing the material you have prepared
  • Please order your project – parts 1-4

Medical Terminology

Module 2

In this course project assignment, you are presented with clinical notes for two different patients. These progress notes have been recorded as SOAP notes. A SOAP note is a common method of documenting a patient’s visit with a healthcare provider. These notes are saved in a patient’s medical record and will be used for treatment, billing, and other activities to monitor the patient’s health over time.

SOAP is an acronym that stands for Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan. Each of these components is used to record a vital part of the patient’s visit.

  • Subjective: Includes the patient’s complaints and states the patient’s symptoms in his or her own words
  • Objective: Includes information that the provider can measure, such as vital signs, weight, or findings from a physical exam
  • Assessment: Includes a differential diagnosis or summary of signs and symptoms
  • Plan: Includes treatments performed, follow-up appointment information, referrals, or other orders

You will be exploring the medical terminology used in these SOAP notes and will be asked to interpret the meanings of various words and abbreviations.

To complete this assignment, do the following:

  1. Download the clinical notes for the two patients:

    Kay Salisbury Clinical Notes

    Virginia Thompson Clinical Notes

  2. Download, complete, and submit the document below. This document contains questions you will answer regarding the clinical notes for each patient.

    Module 02 Course Project Assignment Template

Module 3

In this course project assignment, you are presented with a medical history for two different patients. A medical history can be fairly brief or extremely lengthy, depending on the patient’s health history. Basic components of a medical history generally include the following pieces of information:

  • Patient demographics: Includes name, date of birth, gender, race etc.
  • Chief complaint: Specifies the primary reason for the patient seeking care
  • History of present illness: Includes details of chief complaint in chronological order
  • Past medical history: Includes a list of current and past medical conditions
  • Family history: Includes pertinent diagnoses of close family members
  • Social history: Includes information about patient’s lifestyle and characteristics
  • Medication history: Includes list of current and prior medication use
  • Review of systems: Includes subjective findings from a head-to-toe examination
  • Physical examination: Includes objective findings from a head-to-toe examination

You will be exploring the medical terminology used in these medical histories and will be asked to interpret the meanings of various words and abbreviations.

To complete this assignment, do the following:

  1. Download the clinical notes for the two patients:

    Eric Rodriguez Medical History

    Jaclyn DeMonte Medical History

  2. Download, complete, and submit the document below. This document contains questions you will answer regarding the medical histories for each patient.

    Module 03 Course Project Assignment Template

Module 4

In this course project assignment, you are presented with laboratory and diagnostic test results for two different patients. Laboratory tests include results from blood and urine tests, along with testing of other body fluids such as feces, secretions, throat swabs, etc. Diagnostic testing includes procedures such as x-ray, MRI, CT scans, ultrasounds, echocardiograms, electrocardiograms, etc. These types of diagnostic procedures often require interpretation by a physician. In this case, you may find a separate document with the physician’s conclusions from the test results.

You will be exploring the medical terminology used in these test results and will be asked to interpret the meanings of various words and abbreviations.

To complete this assignment, do the following:

  1. Download the test results for the two patients:

    Brenda Jastik Test Results

    Steve Nguyen Test Results

  2. Download, complete, and submit the document below. This document contains questions you will answer regarding the test results for each patient.

    Module 04 Course Project Assignment Template

Module 5

In this course project assignment, you are presented with treatment notes for two different patients. Treatment Notes often include medication orders, medication administration, and documentation of procedures, such as physical therapy, respiratory therapy, nutrition counseling, and radiation therapy. These notes include details regarding the type, length, and necessity of treatment. Treatment notes are important to track the execution of the patient’s treatment plan and monitor progression of his or her health outcomes.

You will be exploring the medical terminology used in these test results and will be asked to interpret the meanings of various words and abbreviations.

To complete this assignment, do the following:

  1. Download the treatment notes for the two patients:

    Michelle Gibbler Treatment Notes

    Todd Anderson Treatment Notes

  2. Download, complete, and submit the document below. This document contains questions you will answer regarding the treatment notes for each patient.

    Module 05 Course Project Assignment Template

Module 6

In this course project assignment, you are presented with a full medical chart for one individual patient. An entire medical record can be very lengthy and challenging to navigate. You will see some familiar sections of a medical record that were covered in Modules 02-05, as well as various other notes and details pertaining to this patient.

You will be exploring the medical terminology used in this medical record and will be asked to find information and interpret the meanings of various words and abbreviations.

To complete this assignment, do the following:

  1. Download the full medical record for the one patient:

    Nancy Jackson-Davis Full Medical Record

  2. Download, complete, and submit the document below. This document contains questions you will answer regarding the medical record for the patient.

    Module 06 Course Project Assignment Template

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