Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Power Point Presentation- Mexico Health

Country Case Study Final Power Point Presentation (15%)

Students will use the data that they compiled for their Country Case Study Data Tables to create a PowerPoint presentation for their selected low- or middle-income country. The PowerPoint presentation is worth 15%. The Country Case Study Final Power Point Presentation will be graded on a-100-point scale.


This final assignment will be a PowerPoint presentation. You will include a cover slide with student name, date, chosen country, class title and number. Student PowerPoint slide length will be 10-12 slides. Students will be penalized 10 points for submitting less than the total slides requirement. References will not be counted towards the slide total. A list of references is required. Tables, figures & pictures are recommended.

Introduction & Context:

  • Begin with a short summary of the country, including location and relevant demographic indicators from Table 1.
  • Describe the burden of disease in this country citing supporting evidence.
  • Then, provide the reader with background information describing the political, economic, geographic and ethnic context of the country that are relevant to the health situation.

Health Priority/Problem

  • Select and discuss the top public health priority or health problem (s) in the country that you chose.
  • Using information from the tables, select and present the top health environmental health problem (s) facing the country and top causes of mortality and morbidity and injuries. Explain why they are the top causes of mortality, morbidity and injuries(use data from your country case study data tables 2 and 3)


  • Investigate and present the domestic and/or international health initiatives or program for your chosen country surrounding your chosen health priority/problem(s).
  • What programs or policy are there for the health problem (s) in the country?
  • Who is the country domestic stakeholders in this issue area? Which non-governmental organizations or agencies (domestic or international) are active addressing this health issue area? Be sure to give specific examples.
  • What actions do you think should be taken to address this top health priority/problem (s) in the country.


Citing of sources in the throughout the text of is critical. In-text citations must be linked to a list of references at the end of the paper. References must be in alphabetical order and adhere to APA-style format. A minimum of 6 references from scientific agencies or journals are required. References must be as current as possible, and a maximum of 8 years old.

****I have all thew information attached I just need help setting it up in a powerpoint presentation!

Health Medical Homework Help

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