Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Medical Report medical Language: Immerse Yourself, health and medicine homework help

Resources: Sample medical records on pp. 142-144, 196, and 261-263 of Medical Language: Immerse Yourself (3rd ed.); and Medical Report worksheet

Create 3 medical record reports, one for each chapter, that you would use as a health care administrator to hire and train new staff.

Prospective hires will be asked to read and interpret the records you provide along with a set of questions you have developed. The goal is to develop a document where prospective hires can demonstrate their knowledge of medical terminology. Your medical records should include the following elements:

  • History of present illness
  • Past medical history
  • Physical exam
  • Laboratory data or screening procedures
  • Impressions and discussion

Include a minimum of 10 medical words and 2 questions for each report.

Cite a minimum of 2 sources other than the text. Additional references may be reliable resources retrieved from the University Library, the Internet, or elsewhere.

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Health Medical Homework Help

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