Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Nutiration

1. In chapter 2 of the third section, called Eat Food: Food Defined (pp. 147-161), the author presents four main ideas (see the subheadings) for eating “real” food. Chose one of these to write about and suggest how to apply it in life.

2. Which of Pollan’s recommendations (in general, throughout the book) would you be least likely to accept, and why?

3. Overall, what did you think of this book? What did you agree with or disagree with? Have you made any changes in the way you eat because of it? Are you considering making any changes in the way you eat because of it? If so, please explain how you might change.

4. Pollan also shows a number of instances in which government policies have apparently worsened the crisis in our food culture. What do you think should be the proper role of government in deciding how we grow, process, and eat our food?

5. Talk about specific passages (can be anything in the book, not just section 3) that struck you as significant—or interesting, profound, amusing, illuminating, disturbing, sad…? What was memorable?

If Michael Pollan were coming to your place for dinner, what would you serve him and why?


Initial post due by Friday 11:59pm every week and peer comments due by Sunday 11:59pm

Research a specific culture or religion and discuss their health beliefs and concerns, a typical day’s menu, and any nutrition related health issues/chronic diseases specific to this population. How might what you learned alter your approach when encountering someone from this population?

Health Medical Homework Help

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