Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. The systematic review question was: do the prehospital interventions improve the trauma patient ‎outcome?

A systematic review of prehospital interventions :‎

I have identified 27 studies using PRISMA. ‎

The systematic review question was: do the prehospital interventions improve the trauma patient ‎outcome?

I have found prehospital interventions from the systematic literature review of 27 ‎studies as follows:‎

1- Prehospital Endotracheal Intubation interventions

2- The prehospital fluid administration interventions

3- Prehospital administration of the tranexamic acid interventions.

4- The Prehospital providers’ experience and training

  • Writing up the findings from a literature search of 27 studies that I have uploaded them‎.
  • Find patterns such as the interventions ‎patterns, the patterns with the outcomes, and to know pre-hospital management improves ‎patient outcomes.‎
  • Identify which prehospital interventions practices improve outcomes, and which ‎not, and which patients’ outcomes are improved and which are not.
  • What the studies of 27 did not show improved outcomes?Was this because of study ‎limitations or anything else? ‎
  • In conclusion, I have to make a concluding statement answering the literature review guiding ‎question, and also the discussion should lead to this conclusion.

Have look to this example of how to describe the systematic review findings:‎

Health Medical Homework Help

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