Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. NSG 6101 FNU Research Instruments and Methodology Research Proposal

Part 1: 

Discussion Question

Please begin by responding to the following questions.

Search and locate an existing instrument that will be used to address your research question. Post the title of the instrument selected and the level of measurement on the tool. Next, post a description of the type of scale used in the instrument. Include a brief discussion of data collection procedures that will be presented in your proposal. 

Part 2 

Research Proposal Draft

write a 2 page paper addressing the sections below of the research proposal.


  • Extraneous Variables (and plan for how controlled).
  • Instruments: Description, validity, and reliability estimates, which have been performed (on a pre-established measure). Include plans for testing validity and reliability of generating your own instrument(s).
  • Description of the Intervention
  • Data Collection Procedures 
  • REQ: APA format, 4 references per Part not older than 5 years. Remember to include PICOT Research Question in each part of the assignment. 

here are the class notes:

Last week we examined research design and our discussion this week focuses on sampling strategies. The learning activities this week include a description and rationale based on a list of questions related to how one selects the sampling method for the research study. In addition the discussion focuses on application of the key concepts related to selecting sample size, sampling techniques, and representativeness of the sample to the population of interest.

The assignment allows for application of the sampling methods with the selected type of research design. Based on the type of specific research design, the sample size and the inclusion and exclusion criteria of the sample should reflect criteria for the sample strategy.

As a quick review, a sampling plan is defined simply as how the sample will be selected and recruited. The sampling plan is determined by the research question and the study design (qualitative or quantitative).

The major elements in the sampling methods include the following:

  • There are two major types of sampling: nonprobability and probability.
  • Nonprobability sampling is utilized in qualitative research designs.
  • Examples of nonprobability sampling methods include convenience sampling and quota or purposeful sampling.
  • Probability sampling is primarily used in quantitative research designs.
  • Examples of probability sampling include simple random sampling, stratified random sampling, and cluster sampling.


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