Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. University of Sunderland What Is Amazon Alexa Discussion Response

Response 1: Sravani Sappeti



Amazon Alexa skill is an application designed to provide a user interface that allows users to access the most common abilities of Amazon Echo devices and Echo Dot, from simple actions like making purchases, playing music, or setting timers to more complex actions like using skills to access voice control functions and use with apps. Alexa is built on Amazon’s cloud-based Watson AI, which provides information and functionality in response to requests (Sharda et al., 2020). Watson-Alexa integration lets create apps that can read the Amazon Alexa skill. While Amazon Echo and Echo Dot apps can be enabled for all Alexa voice-activated personal assistant users, enabling developers can enable their apps for each Alexa skill category for individual users. People can download Alexa Skill Gateway and build the skills. Alexa skills can be created in Alexa to process data, perform actions, or generate reports. Skills are run in a sandboxed environment. They can be used by a single skill and then are removed when the functionality is no longer needed. Alexa skills generate an event on their status page when an update is made to the skill. This can tell if the skills are being updated in response to an event or if a new skill was generated in response to the status update. Many people use it for other Amazon services but also other websites/apps (Hoy, 2018).

People can order food from many sites and from different people to save time, but make sure to learn about and trust that the food they want to order has been made fresh or that the food being delivered has been properly prepared. However, Starbucks baristas, like those they may already know, are trained to act naturally, and respond to the needs (Wang, 2020). Consumers are being forced to put up with their customers ordering services through Amazon’s voice assistant Alexa. However, getting hold of that Alexa skill from Amazon is not quite as straightforward as making a phone call. Use the Alexa skills to order food from Starbucks. It works for any local Starbucks store in the US and worldwide. Alexa device is not needed. People can use the Alexa skills to order food in almost any US or worldwide coffee shop. The skills require a server in the location to serve food. Alexa skills are generally considered a smart voice-based version of other assistants such as Siri, Google Now, or Cortana (Wang, 2020).


Hoy, M. B. (2018). Alexa, Siri, Cortana, and more: an introduction to voice assistants. Medical reference services quarterly, 37(1), 81-88.

Sharda, R., Delen, Dursun, and Turban, E. (2020). Analytics, Data Science, & Artificial Intelligence: Systems for Decision Support. 11th Edition. By PEARSON Education. Inc.

Wang, J. (2020). Measuring the Functionality of Amazon Alexa and Google Home Applications (Doctoral dissertation, Virginia Tech).

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