Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Walden University Education Experience Discussion

Respond to the blog posts of three colleagues in one or more of the following ways:

  • Validate an idea in your colleague’s post with your own experience.
  • Make a suggestion to your colleague’s post.


An explanation of potential challenges for intervention during your field education experience

One of the biggest challenges I face with intervention during field education is the court-mandated client or “unmotivated” client. These unmotivated clients prove to be a challenge in the fact that they do not want to be in treatment and therefore do not want to participate/engage in any interventions. Most of the time it is difficult to get through an assessment much less discuss and implement an intervention. Another challenge I am facing is working with groups, I am facilitating a group right now but there are times I find it difficult to know what to say and to get the group engaged.

An explanation of personal action plans you might take to address intervention in your field education experience

Personal action plans that I have thought of are to work on motivational interviewing skills, which I have already purchased materials and done continuing education credits on this topic, to improve ways I ask questions and work on getting clients to elicit information and start change talk. I think another aspect of my personal action plan needs to be working on patience and coming to terms with the fact that, as social workers, we need to start where the client is and sometimes it will prove to be difficult. Continuing to be there for these clients, showing them warmth and empathy will be the most important things to work on and continue to show when working in this field, with this population – not letting myself get frustrated or irritable with their lack of engagement will be important and to do this I will continue working on mindfulness, self-reflection/awareness, and being in the moment with the clients.

In regards to the challenge of group work, I am implementing a personal action plan of working on communication skills/public speaking. Some areas of public speaking and ways to improve are to video myself going through material in order to critique and gather feedback from others (family/friends/supervisor) on ways they think I can improve (Zulhermindra & Hadiarni, 2020) . Working on patience with this aspect of social work is also needed, relaxing and being more prepared as well as being patient are all going to be a part of my personal action plan.




  • An explanation of potential challenges for intervention during your field education experience

One potential challenge for intervention during my field education experience is my client’s commitment to healing and taking the dedicated time to do the work. I had one client who never wanted to complete any of the homework that I suggested. In not completing the homework she was faced with the challenge of not knowing how to tap into her coping skills when she was triggered. A client’s dedication to doing what it takes to heal, identify their needs, and make a commitment to actively engage in their treatment and complete the tasks associated with their goals is important. Essentially, like my supervisor states, I am the change agent and the passenger on my client’s bus, but it is up to them to do what it takes to control the bus route.

  • An explanation of personal action plans you might take to address intervention in your field education experience

In cases like my client, I have two personal actions plans that I take. The first plan is to allow my client the opportunity to unpack their issues during our session, but that is where I leave it. I do not allow my clients problems to become mine. I am also mindful to not become too involved or upset when my clients are not implementing any of the interventions we have suggested. The second personal action plan that I incorporate is being honest with my clients. I inform them that I am providing you with the suggested homework task to help YOU reach your goal and healing. If you do not complete the task you will find yourself in the very same place that you are trying to get off and I will no longer continue to provide homework suggestions, but I will remain as a sound place for you to vent, but eventually if you are not willing to commit to your treatment, then we need to look into other services and supports for you, that you will genuinely benefit from.

Lynn–An explanation of potential challenges for intervention during your field education experience

The foreseen challenges in which I see, what has happened during my field education are working with clients that are in precontemplation. When a client is in this stage of change they do not have a growth mindset to change their behaviors, just the other week a client I had picked up from the Oakland County Jail. This client was elated that she was out of jail, and was at this point talking about recovery with plans on staying clean. The client left treatment was ordered to come back to treatment stayed for a few hours and went back out, the agency had a call from her mom telling us she was found dead in a hotel room. These are some of the things we as social workers have to hear, and say what I could have done to help this client.

An explanation of personal action plans you might take to address intervention in your field education experience

Intervention phase: continuing to build on the cohesiveness of the engagement phase and the information gathered during the assessment phase, this phase solidifies the group’s collective identity, supports members, promotes bargaining and negotiating in relation to goals, and sees progress made toward goals and sustainability (Birkenmaier & Berg-Weger 2018).


Birkenmaier, J., & Berg-Weger, M. (2018). The practicum companion for social work: Integrating class and fieldwork (4th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson.

  • Chapter 7, “Social Work Practice in the Field: Working with Groups” (pp. 156-185)

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