Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Florida State University The Hippocratic Oath Should Continue Being Taken Discussion

Medicine is the one field of knowledge and practice which has required those who practice it to swear an oath that they will abide by its principles, since antiquity. This oath can be considered as “a rite of passage” distinguishing the medical practitioners from all the other arts and sciences in antiquity. Read the article by Peter Tysonwhich also contains copies of the ancient original of the Hippocratic Oath and its modern version. Based on the principles, shared by the ancient and the modern version, do you think the medical field should continue requiring the oath? In your answer, please address the following mini-questions. Do you think the oath serves only a ceremonial purpose, as some of the medical practitioners, as mentioned by the article, think? If yes, why. If no, why not? Is there anything else the modern version of the Hippocratic Oath should contain?

Health Medical Homework Help

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