Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. NUR 2832 Information to New Nurse Managers Letter

Mastery: Advanced or exceeds achievement

Memo thoroughly includes 5 leadership and/or attributes that support clear and detailed communication to improve client outcomes and steps to ensure collection of data.


Proficiency: Clear/effective achievement

Memo clearly includes 5 leadership and/ or management attributes that supports clear communication to improve client outcomes and / or steps to assure collection of data.


Competence: Adequate/basic achievement

Memo sufficiently includes 5 leadership and/or management attributes and/or steps to assure collection of data.


Emerging: Limited or growing achievement

Memo does not include 5 leadership and/or management attributes or steps to assure collection of data.


Transformational Leaders Styles

50% of total grade

Mastery: Advanced or exceeds achievement

Memo thoroughly describes how transformational leadership style influences the process of investigating the colleague that reports to one of your unit managers.


Proficiency: Clear/effective achievement

Memo clearly describes how transformational leadership style influences the process of investigating the colleague that reports to one of your unit managers.


Competence: Adequate/basic achievement

Memo sufficiently describes how transformational leadership style influences the process of investigating the colleague that reports to one of your unit managers.


Emerging: Limited or growing achievement

Memo does not describe how transformational leadership style influences the investigation process.


Spelling and Grammar

10% of total grade

Mastery: Advanced or exceeds achievement

Demonstrates an exemplary application of spelling and grammar.


Proficiency: Clear/effective achievement

Displays proper grammar application and writing contains minimal to no spelling errors. May contain rare improper uses of words (ex., their vs. there), a misplaced modifier, or a run-on sentence, but does not detract from the overall understanding of the sentence and/or paragraph.


Competence: Adequate/basic achievement

Spelling and grammar errors occur but are inconsistent. Paragraphs and sentences are coherent but may exhibit spelling errors, run-on’s or fragments, and/or improper verb tense usage.


Emerging: Limited or growing achievement

Spelling and grammar contain substantial errors that makes sentences and/or paragraphs incoherent.

Health Medical Homework Help

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