Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Research Article Critique.

Assignment Instructions

As you read the article, you will use a critical eye to assess the strength of the article as a basis for scientific evidence. There are three resources within the Week 2 module that will assist you in completing the assignment: Research Part 2: Finding Information in Scholarly Research Articles and Appendix B from your text “Rapid Critical Appraisal Checklist for Descriptive Studies”. You will then use the ANA “Framework for how to read and critique a research study” to guide you in developing your paper. Please note that you do not need to determine the level and quality of evidence as outlined in the document (#2). The paper must be in APA format, including title and reference pages, with a running head, page numbers, double-spaced in 12 point font. The length of the paper should not exceed 6 pages, excluding title and reference pages. Due to the varying length of the selected articles, there is no minimum page requirement, but be sure that you have addressed each of the items from the framework. Please remember that you are critiquing the article, not simply summarizing it. It is highly recommended that you review the grading rubric prior to constructing your paper.

Health Medical Homework Help

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