Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Coming up with Nutritional Treatment plan

In each of the case studies required in this course please follow the below guidelines to fulfill the requirements of each case study. You may use any format as long as the below steps are demonstrated in your outline.

Definition of therapeutic plan to include:

Diet (1 day sample lay out)
Supplementation (lay out in your 1 day diet outline)
lifestyle changes (one paragraph) – summary
expected term of therapeutic interventions

Provide knowledge of pathophysiology of this specific client’s condition(s)

Analyze lab work provided and identify potential missing items to be addressed/tested

Identifying order of importance of client’s health issues and clinical status. Demonstrate the order of your intervention regimen, for example if the person has diabetes and GI issues which one do you address first, or do you work with them at the same time?

Comparison of allopathic versus nutrition therapies and when to refer

Detail expected outcomes and time-frames of nutritional interventions
Detail to client on when to be monitored for potential medication changes
Setting client expectations/potential impact of therapeutic plan

short term/long term (no more than one paragraph on this)

Identify potential drug interactions or drug nutrient/botanical interactions

Explain monitoring plan and criteria for client improvement (ie for future specific lab tests, Sx reduction, functional tests, potential referral for dr. monitoring of medication for changes, exercise, dietary and behavioral changes)

Case 1:

Brief summary of client.

This 48 year old female with stage III breast cancer that just finished undergoing her final treatment of chemotherapy with Doxorubicin (adriamycin) and would like some nutritional support to help with the adverse effects of chemo, and to see if she could possibly replenish her deteriorated physique. She is currently complaining of mouth sores, nausea, diarrhea, fatigue, shortness of breath, palpitations and swelling of the lower extremities (severe edema in ankles). She is concerned how the chemotherapy has affected her liver and the rest of her health.

She has recently read into B17, Vitamin C, Glutathione, Alkalizing diets, Baking soda, Raw diets in preventing or “healing” cancer, she wants to give it a go, but wants your advice. She is quite frustrated because she doesn’t know why this happened to her “cancer” as she lived a pretty clean and healthy life, no alcohol, no smoking, no family history…however her area where she lives seems to have some cancer clusters.

Medical Diagnosis by MD: Stage III Breast Cancer

Initial Assessment:


Height:5’ 5”

Weight:142 (Before chemo she weight 128lbs – 21% BF)


History: No other significant medical issues.

Medication and Supplements:

Not taking any supplements – she never did, but wants to start now and focus on cancer preventing supplements

Laboratory Data:

RBC: 3.2


Vitamin D 25 OH – 9.1 (L) (32 – 100 ng/mL)

Potassium – 5.2 (H) (3.5-5.0 mEq/L)

Sodium – 123 (L) (136-145 mEq/L)

Bun/Creatinine Ratio – 25 (H) (10-20)

Co2 – 17 (L) (23-30 mEq/L)

Albumin – 2.7 (L) (3.5-5 g/dL)

Total Bilirubin – 2.3 (H) (0.3-1.0 mg/dL)

ALP – 162 (H) (30-120 U/L)

ALT – 124 (H) (4-36 U/L)

AST –103 (H) (0-35 U/L)

Functional Labs:

Estronex 2/16 OH Estrogen Urine Ratio:

1.04 (L) (2 – 8 ref.)

2 and 16 hydroxyestrone ratios might be indicative of elevated breast cancer risk

Dietary Intake:

Currently she is having a hard time digesting foods and is just consuming products that “melt” in her mouth like, breads, pasta, shakes, soups, water, boxed juices etc. – she never used to eat this way. She always looked after herself, and was on a Mediterranean diet of sorts – however by her own admission more the SAD of pasta, breads not so much in fish, but always had moderate amounts of veggies and fruits, never ate processed foods, however due to “low fat/low carb” craze consumed lots of artificial sweeteners (Diet Coke). She used to consume some soy and corn products but has since stopped, since she fears GMO foods might affect her health. She is well read on natural cancer findings, but is not sure what is relevant, anecdotal or peer reviewed studies.

She is ready to make changes and wants to live a new life of prevention………

Can you help???

Case 2:

Melissa is a 14 year old girl with a tremendous amount of medical issues. She is very verbally aggressive, outspoken. She came into your office with her mom, repeatedly attacked her verbally and is short and disrespectful to you. She hates doctors a doesn’t want to be there “because no doctors ever help her” in her own words. Her diet is flat out 90% fast food and processed food. The worst of the worst SAD you can imagine.

Please find Melissa’s intake forms and blood work in “ubvc case studies 1”.


Melissa shows all the signs of PCOS, she is having menstrual issues (frequent heavy bleeding), she is gaining weight, her skin and acne is very apparent. She is not neat and appears she is not “into” her own appearance, her hair is oily, unwashed and she is dressed in clothes that her mother said she slept in. Her mother feels that all of her problems started with her second and third Gardasil shots. Ever since then she has been suffering with platelet issue and all these issues. Her mom is very adamant in her beliefs that her daughters life is a mess since the vaccine, and nobody is taking her seriously.

Dietary Intake:

General: this is the best day….


2 cups coffee with cream and sugar, 3 pieces rye toast with butter, large glass OJ

Hot pockets, snickers bar, or chocolate cereal


Macaroni and cheese (Stouffers), diet ginger ale


2 chicken legs (fried), 8-10 wheat crackers


MacDonald’s burger, fries and shake

Look at her blood work, take her psychological mindset into consideration and see what you can do to help this kid?

Can you win her over?

How will you change her diet?

What do you make of her functional testing?

How do you address the sensitive issue of the vaccine, do you feel there is a connection?

Health Medical Homework Help

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