Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Client Meeting and Project Approval 3 of 5




Meet with a health care professional in your prospective client organization to present your data review project proposal. Then, submit the final revised and approved project proposal with the client’s signature. There is no page limit for this assessment.


To prepare for this assessment, read the following document, linked in the Resources of this unit.

  • Client Meeting and Project Approval Guide.

The information provided in this document will help you in preparing for the meeting, presenting your data review project proposal, and obtaining approval for your project from the client. In addition, it provides guidance, recommendations, and examples that are crucial to successfully complete this assessment. You are encouraged to download this document and keep it on hand as a ready reference.

Key Preparatory Tasks for a Successful Meeting

Thorough preparation will ensure that your meeting is productive. Take the following steps to prepare for the meeting:

  • Conduct background research on your prospective client organization. Identify a first and second choice for connecting with a practicing health care professional in that organization.
  • Research best practices for professional communication and feedback to prepare for the interview.
  • Reflect upon your experience in human services and health care administration relevant to your proposed project. Based on the NCHL competencies, is your proposed project realistic?
  • Prepare a list of questions that you would like to ask the practicing health care professional. Refer to the Client Meeting and Project Approval Guide, linked in the Resources of this unit.

Note: You should arrive at the meeting with proposed performance indicators related to the health care issue you have identified. However, it is possible that you have chosen the wrong indicators, that the indicators are not included in the organization’s data sets, or that the client thinks different indicators might be more helpful. It is your job to verify, discover, or redefine your performance indicators so that you can proceed with your data review.


You will need to take the following steps to complete this assessment. Details and supporting information for completing each step are contained in the Client Meeting and Project Approval Guide linked in the Resources of this unit.

Step 1: Schedule a meeting with the prospective client.

Step 2: Meet with the client and present your project proposal.

Step 3: Work with the client to refine your project proposal as necessary, including any negotiated changes.

Step 4: Submit the revised proposal to the client for their approval and signature.

Step 5: Submit the signed copy of your approved proposal as the deliverable for this assessment. Include an addendum summarizing the feedback offered by your client during the meeting, and provide any substantive, relevant details needed for clarification.

Note: You must submit the revised copy of your approved project proposal for this assessment. The client’s signature, title, and contact information are required.

Client Meeting

Note: The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Be sure that you address each point, at a minimum, during the client meeting and project approval process. You may also want to read the Client Meeting and Project Approval Scoring Guide to better understand how each criterion will be assessed.

  • Identify the appropriate health care professional in an organization from whom to seek approval for a proposed project.
    • Consider the people with the requisite decision-making authority who are best able to provide guidance and recommendations.
  • Present a project proposal to a client.
    • Provide evidence-based support for your assertions and conclusions.
    • Be clear about the project scope, execution, and focus.
    • Be clear about the value of your proposed project and how you will measure the outcomes for each of the four areas of the balanced scorecard.
    • Be prepared to answer questions that the client asks.
  • Negotiate changes to project scope, execution, or focus, based on feedback solicited from the client.
    • Use this meeting as an opportunity to refine your proposed project.
    • Solicit feedback actively on key aspects of the project.
    • Verify, discover, or redefine your performance indicators and outcome measures.
    • Ensure that negotiated changes are feasible and do not present obstacles to successful course completion.
  • Obtain approval for a proposed project.
    • Be sure that your revised proposal is a collaborative effort between you and the client that meets organizational requirements, such as confidentiality.
    • Consider your role and responsibilities for establishing a strong working relationship with the client in executing the project.


Negotiating With Stakeholders

This article reviews how to ask the right questions in talking with stakeholders about a project proposal.

This guide discusses the key elements of a successful project beginning with presenting a proposal to a stakeholder and gaining approval.

This guide provides helpful information on essential negotiation skills.

Balanced Scorecard

The articles in this Balanced scorecard section provide useful and professionally relevant information about the balanced scorecard model.

Presenting Proposals

The following articles provide useful tips on creating and presenting a project proposal.

Writing Resources

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