Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Define the Problem and Prove it’s Important

It is editing assignment based on the teacher feedback?

Feedback: ((SWOT still not sure. what are those strengths? issue priority? seems like a lot of external environment here

opportunity and threat – you have a ton of stuff listed in each. Focus on 1-2 and describe them in more detail.))

And here is the assignment full description?

Please follow the format below and complete the assignment. The topics below MUST be included (try for around a paragraph or so for each concept) including:

– An overview / definition of your topic (problem statement and introduction)

– How the health problem is caused and who is affected by it. Include why they are affected by it (environmental factors, risk factors, etc.)

– Statistics (MUST BE LOCAL TO UTAH) to prove the importance of the behavior change you will be choosing

– Costs (MUST BE LOCAL TO UTAH unless they don’t exist) to prove the severity of the problem, including costs to society for the negative effects of the problem, costs of treatment, costs of prevention, etc

– Other ways / treatments that have tried to modify or fix the health problem

– A summary and how it leads you develop a campaign on the topic

Remember you must include local data (for example, using Utah’s IBIS-PH or Health department data) since we are assuming you would select a small, manageable local population / workplace to make an initial idea easier. As a side note, please refrain from using quotes as much as possible. Quotes require you to also cite page numbers and I require you get practice paraphrasing information rather than just copying and pasting information.

For the second part of this assignment, describe your situational analysis process through completion of a SWOT analysis. Take one example from each SWOT category, and provide detail about how you would incorporate and define it for your campaign. For example, you could say “Expertise – Expertise would be a weakness for a campaign on injury prevention at _______ location in Utah. As our campaign would be compromised of a small amount of students, we would likely be viewed as experts, and would need additional support or partnerships to help”. I need to see one clearly listed SWOT component from each category with an indepth definition / example (and it must be accurate to the category you refer to).

Health Medical Homework Help

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