Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Kinesiology Question

You will be writing a paper on occupational stress. This assignment requires the use of library resources, including professional journal articles.

Investigate potential stressors likely to be encountered in your chosen occupation by reviewing the literature and interviewing at least one person working in that field. A minimum of 3 professional journal articles that preferably relate directly to the occupation must be used. If you’re unable to locate articles directly relating to your occupation, you may use, with instructor permission, professional journal articles that discuss occupational stress of a more general nature. Write a concise summary of the research, integrating information from the journal articles and the interview, including methods used by your interviewee to cope with stressors. Minimum page numbers 4-6 pages.

The file you submit should have:

  • title page
  • 4-6 pages of anlaysis
  • References
  • Appendix A: Interview Questions

Health Medical Homework Help

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