Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Week 1 introduction

Post Your introduction is due on Day 1 (Tuesday). You have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your peers.

Discussion Participation

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  • When you are the first to contribute, you will see only the “Reply” button.
  • Once you have added your initial post or response, choose the “Post Reply” button.
  • If any classmates have posted, you will see their comments, along with the “Reply” button.
  • The “Reply” button – as well as any responses – will be displayed at the bottom of the page.

Post Your Introduction [WLOs: 1, 2] [CLOs: 1, 3]

While stress is not completely unavoidable, there is a healthy way to react to stress and an unhealthy way to react to stress. Prior to posting your introduction, read Chapter 1: What Is Stress? in the text, and then post your introduction.

Initial Response Part 1. Include the following: Due Day 1.

  • State your resting heart rate and explain any heart rate changes that occurred from the lab assessment.
  • Define distress and eustress. Support your explanation of these different types of stress with the course text.
  • Provide an example of one of your current distress stressors and one current eustress stressors.

Initial Response Part 2. Due Day 3. Read Chapter 1: What Is Stress? in the text, watch the Films On Demand video Worried Sick, and then assess your stressors and reactions to your current stressors by taking Lab Assessment 1.1 in your textbook. Based on Lab 1.1, assess if any of your stressors are causing you to have a physiological, social, or emotional reaction. In your response,

  • Provide one example of a stressor and your stress reaction from the lab assessment.
  • Identify if this reaction is physiological, social, or emotional.

As a minimum, include the course text as a reference formatted in APA style in Part 1 and Part 2. All scholarly sources must be cited within your work (see the Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources for more information).

Guided Response: Respond to two of your peers by Day 7. In each of your responses, suggest one healthy way your classmates can deal with their stressors. Use one reference in your responses to support your suggestions. Each post should be at least 100 words in length.

Health Medical Homework Help

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