Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. fr102 discussion

You have been assigned a partner. You and your partner have access to a designated discussion board on MyLS that only the two of you can see. Schedule these activities on MyLS on mutually convenient time. You and your partner will play roles in a number of dialogues based on real-life situations. You are expected to write short dialogues on the MyLS discussion board in French, culturally appropriate for a formal or informal interaction, according to the scenarios and instructions provided. Prepare individually beforehand; be creative using the vocabulary from your textbook. Write the dialogues as a documented conversation that is occurring in real time on MyLS, as scheduled with your partner, paying special attention to grammar and spelling. Once you and your partner have written the dialogues, review your collective script carefully and, if needed, make spelling corrections. Copy and paste the final (edited) version of three selected discussions into three separate Word documents and submit each to the corresponding drop box on MyLS. Only one partner should submit the .doc/x files; as this is a team exercise, the same mark will be given to both students.

Foreign Languages Homework Help

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