Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. Safeguarded Samurai Houses and My Dream Japan Trip Itinerary Essay


  • You are required to make a three-day Japan trip itinerary. Conduct some research on Japan and select one prefecture in Japan.
  • Please note Japan is divided into ten regions. (Links to an external site.) Each area consists of several prefectures. There are 47 prefectures in total in Japan.
  • Try selecting the prefecture you are not too familiar with and learn about the prefecture through your online search.
  • In order to avoid that too many students describe the same prefecture, up to “two” students can select the same prefecture. You cannot choose a prefecture that more than two students in class already selected and declared on the course discussion board. If you see somebody else with the same prefecture, change your prefecture. For example, if two students declared “Tokyo” already, no additional student can select” Tokyo.”
  • Your trip itinerary should use proper Japanese and make good use of materials learned from Lessons 1-5, including vocabulary, grammar items and functions. Key sentence structures and functions include:

Lesson 1: Greetings/asking & telling time/telephone number/asking & answering questions regarding name, occupation, major, etc…/self-introduction
Lesson 2: Asking for and telling price, ordering at a restaurant, asking wh-questions such as ikura desuka, doko desuka, dare no xxx desuka, nan desuka, etc.
Lesson 3: Asking & telling daily activities/making suggestions to do some activities (〜ませんか)

/Frequency adverbs (まいにち、よく、ときどき、あまり、ぜんぜん).

Lesson 4: Asking and telling existence (placeにXがあります/います), locations and schedule (day of the week に〜があります), / describing past experience such as vacation, weekend activities (〜ました) or when you were high school student(〜でした/じゃなかったです)/ describing two items or events which share a common attribute using particle も/ inviting to do something together referring to specific day of the week (〜曜日に〜ませんか).Lesson 5: Describing person, thing or event (vacation) using adjectives/ expressing likes and dislikes (〜がすきです/きらいです)/ making suggestions using Let’s-form (〜ましょう).

  • Your trip itinerary is required to include the answers to the following questions and the image(s) of the place/attraction.


  1. いつ、どこへ行きますか。(Use kanji for date.)
  2. それは、どこにありますか。(Answer using location words learning in Lesson 4.)
  3. それは、どんなところですか。(ところ=place)(Answer with adjective learned in Lesson 5.)
  4. そこに、なにがありますか。(いますか。)(Describe at least one attraction.)
  5. どんなもの(thing/attraction) がすきですか。
  6. そこでなにをしますか。(Describe at least three activities per place.)
  7. どこで、なにをたべますか(and/orのみますか。)それはいくらですか。
  8. Do you have any suggestions about what to do there? (Invite your classmate using 〜ませんか.)

Key sentences for answer/Sentence template:

  1. 私は日本で、prefecture に行きます。
  2. Prefecture にdestination 1 とdestination 2 とdestination 3 があります。
  3. 私は〜月〜日にdestination 1に行きます。(You can make up the date!)
  4. Destination 1 はxxxx の location word です。
  5. Destination 1 はadjectiveです。Or Destination 1 はadjectiveところです。
  6. Destination 1 にattraction/thing/personがあります/います。
  7. 私はattraction/thing/personが(だい)すきです。
  8. Destination1で (objectを) verb-ます。(Describe at least three activities per destination.)
  9. Time (use kanji) にRestaurant name でmenu itemをたべます・のみます。menu itemはpriceです。 (use kanji for the price!)
  10. みなさんもdestination 1で、activity/verb〜ませんか。
  11. 私は〜月〜日にdestination 2に行きます。(You can make up the date!)
  12. Destination 2 はxxxx の location word です。
  13. Destination 2 はadjectiveです。Or Destination 2 はadjectiveところです。
  14. Destination 2 にattraction/thing/personがあります/います。
  15. 私はattraction/thing/personが(だい)すきです。
  16. Destination1で (objectを) verb-ます。(Describe at least three activities per destination.)
  17. Time (use kanji) にRestaurant name でmenu itemをたべます・のみます。menu itemはpriceです。 (use kanji for the price!)
  18. みなさんもdestination 2で、activity/verb〜ませんか。
  19. 私は〜月〜日にdestination 3に行きます。(You can make up the date!)
  20. Destination 3 はxxxx の location word です。
  21. Destination 3 はadjectiveです。Or Destination 3 はadjectiveところです。
  22. Destination 3 にattraction/thing/personがあります/います。
  23. 私はattraction/thing/personが(だい)すきです。
  24. Destination 3で (objectを) verb-ます。(Describe at least three activities per destination.)
  25. Time (use kanji) にRestaurant name でmenu itemをたべます・のみます。menu itemはpriceです。 (use kanji for the price!)
  26. みなさんもdestination 3で、activity/verb〜ませんか。
  27. 私の日本りょこうはadjectiveです。(Make a comment on your trip with adjective.)
  28. Recommended website link:

If you are using any materials from Internet site, provide the site URL for reference.

Foreign Languages Homework Help

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