Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. 1626692513 Eleanor – 5250 words French

title of the essay is “Les messages de la pièce de Thomas Beckett “En
attendant Godot” sont-ils toujours pertinents dans la société française
d’aujourd’hui ?”

The essay needs to present and analyse conflicting sides of an argument.

Specific quotations from the play Waiting for Godot are needed throughout the essay.

essay should be divided into 4 key themes from Waiting for Godot, each
of these should be compared to a key theme in French Society today. For
example, les banlieues or les gilets jaunes.

essay needs to have a heavy focus on existentialism and the key
characteristics of the theatre of the absurd should also be used to help
form an analysis.

structure should be – 500 words introduction, 1000 words per key theme,
overall x4, (500 words arguing that waiting for Godot is relevant in
society today, 500 words arguing against that), 500 words conclusion.

use more than 10 academic sources and around 5 non academic
(newspapers, websites, etc). Referencing style should be Harvard.

The quality and complexity of the analysis and the language will be judged.

Thank you in advance,

Order ID: 1626692513

Order Details: 357

Country : United Kingdom

Service Required : Essay

Subject : French

Level of Study : Undergraduate

Target Grade : Undergraduate 2:1

Length: 5250 Words (~21 pages)

Delivery Time : 30 Days

Time for requesting changes : Standard 7 days

instructions : The title of the essay is “Les messages de la pièce de
Thomas Beckett “En attendant Godot” sont-ils toujours pertinents dans la
société française d’aujourd’hui ?”

The essay needs to present and analyse conflicting sides of an argument.

Specific quotations from the play Waiting for Godot are needed throughout the essay.

essay should be divided into 4 key themes from Waiting for Godot, each
of these should be compared to a key theme in French Society today. For
example, les banlieues or les gilets jaunes.

essay needs to have a heavy focus on existentialism and the key
characteristics of the theatre of the absurd should also be used to help
form an analysis.

structure should be – 500 words introduction, 1000 words per key theme,
overall x4, (500 words arguing that waiting for Godot is relevant in
society today, 500 words arguing against that), 500 words conclusion.

use more than 10 academic sources and around 5 non academic
(newspapers, websites, etc). Referencing style should be Harvard.

The quality and complexity of the analysis and the language will be judged.

Foreign Languages Homework Help

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