English Homework Help

In the Huffington Post article “Has Yoga Lost its Soul” https://www.huffpost.com/entry/yoga-sell-out_b_1157089?ref=yoga. The authenticity of yoga is questioned and explored in our western societ

  • In the Huffington Post article “Has Yoga Lost its Soul”  https://www.huffpost.com/entry/yoga-sell-out_b_1157089?ref=yoga.      The authenticity of yoga is questioned and explored in our western society where yoga is popularized and commodified as a booming industry.

Please read the article and in a short paragraph or two write a reflection and your stance pertaining to the following question: 

  • Has commercialization diluted the practice of yoga to the point of triviality, becoming just another easily bought, packaged and sterilized commodity?
  • Do you agree or disagree? Present a few specific examples to support your reasoning.
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