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circus animal abuse Research Paper Many of us have been led at least once by parents to see an animal circus: a tiger jumping through the ring of fire, a bear walking on two feet, an elephan

circus animal abuse

Research Paper

          Many of us have been led at least once by parents to see an animal circus: a tiger jumping through the ring of fire, a bear walking on two feet, an elephant standing on its hind legs, or a monkey cycling through the obstacle. These are memorable moments but do you know how these animals suffer behind the scene? Animals are abused, confined and live in stress. Behind these performances is a hell for animals. As opposed to natural law, they experience savage violence simply to serve the entertainment industry and make money. To protect animals from abuse, laws must prohibit their use in circus acts.  Lions, tigers, bear, elephants and monkeys are all-natural animals, yet in the circus, these animals were removed away from their mothers when they were very young. They were brought up in a solitary environment where they don’t have the living space they should receive and they can’t exhibit their natural behaviours. They are trained to be afraid of humans when they are young. Another reality of circus life is animals feel stress-related illnesses, such as depression and anxiety. “Performing animals are hauled from town to town, day in and day out, in boxcars or trucks, without any ability to exercise the full range of their natural behaviours or to otherwise be left alone for any substantial period without being poked, prodded, and trotted out before the masses”(Nelson 53). 

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