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Respond to this post with 200 words. 2 apa cites. No older than 4 years. Action research is a method to improve practices and conditions in a classroom environment this research consist of differen

Respond to this post with 200 words. 2 apa cites. No older than 4 years.  

Action research is a method to improve practices and conditions in a classroom environment this research consist of different social actions and its effects. That involves researchers to study the classroom environment of how teachers interact, and how students learn in different situations. Researchers gather a series of data such as observations, interviews, survey responses and writing samples can be some examples of data used to analyze this research, for later to be able to design an action plan that can help teachers improve or change any education practices that might need improvement. Action research consist in proactive research and reactive research.  Proactive research is when the researchers can observe a practice in the classroom and be able to collect new data to obtain a constructive change to improve conditions. Reactive research involves changing and correcting the results in implementing a solution and create a plan of action. The expectations for project development is for researchers to use their experience and knowledge when conducting action research to help colleagues to create an action plan to improve or modify actions when observing how they interact and implement their education practices for their professional growth. (Craig, 2009)

Why does action research “fit” as a primary method of educational research?

This research enables researchers to observe a natural environment and study a particular action that they can create or design to improve teachers’ practices in their classroom. There are three main purposes when implanting this research. Furthermore, this method is for those that want to solve issues, implement new strategies and make an action plan that will bring the best solution to excel and grow in their profession.  This research targets specific areas of goals and objectives that teachers have the possibility to manage. Lastly, it enhances the sense of community it promotes collaboration to promote change and learning to improve situations and conditions to all the members of a learning community (Coles-Ritchie, Eggington, & Valdez, 2019).


Craig, D. V. (2009). Action research essentials. San Francisco, Calif: Jossey-Bass.

Coles-Ritchie, M., Eggington, K., & Valdez, T. M. (2019). Enhancing Teacher Education and Community Learning Center Programs through Critical Participatory Action Research. I.e.: Inquiry in Education, 11(2). Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=eric&AN=EJ1217400&site=ehost-live

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