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Respond to this post. 250 words. Apa. Cute that is less than two years old. Being able to communicate is key to being an educational leader. Being able to communicate the vision and belief of the sc

Respond to this post. 250 words. Apa. Cute that is less than two years old. 

Being able to communicate is key to being an educational leader. Being able to communicate the vision and belief of the school, student data the school needs. A leader has to communicate with teachers, students, parents and other community members. Good communication skills enables others to better innovators, stimulates thinking and gives information that is beneficial to others. Communications, gradation of power, and relationships are defined by the line between superior and subordinate (Cordeiro & Cunningham, 106).

Communicating with Parents

Effective communication is essential to having family-school relationships. Building a trusting relationship with the parents ensures the parents that their child is in the best possible care at school. Trusting the principal to lead and also trusting the teachers to guide and educate all stems from having good communication between parents and the school. Students don’t always have the best communication skills with parents, especially when letting parents know what’s going on at school. Some schools use newsletters to reach out to parents and let them know school activities. For instance, Principal Loli Haws, sends home a newsletter every week right from her desk called Necessary News. “It quickly summarizes upcoming events, school activities, announcements and deadlines,” according to Haws. Another effective way to communicate is to be consistent with information at all times. For instance Principal Jack Noles sends out weekly newsletter on what’s happening in the school. “Parents and community come to expect and depend on certain information to arrive at the same time and in the same manner,” according to Noles. Another very important part of Communication is being able to clarify words properly. Being able to clarify to each parent that it takes teamwork to help their child. The new technology, Connect-Ed phone system, has made contacting parents in groups much easier. Parents don’t have to call the school searching for information and all parents can be contacted less than 10 minutes. According to Principal Beckie Weedle, in Indiana, “the system is great for letting parents know when weather conditions will delay the start of the school day”.

Effective principals are more likely to communicate about instructional matters, on how well learning objectives were mastered in communication to students, teachers, and parents to be a visible presence in and around the school (Cordeiro & Cunningham, 122). There are many ways to be effective leader but continuing to evolve into a better communicator is something that must remain constant.


 Cordeiro, Paula A & Cunningham, William G (2012).Educational leadership: a bridge to improved practice (Fifth edition).                Pearson Education, Boston, Mass 

Hopkins, G. (n.d.). Principals Share Lessons Learned About Communicating | Education World. [Online] Educationworld.com. Available at: https://www.educationworld.com/a_admin/admin/admin511.shtml [Accessed 18 Feb. 2017].

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