English Homework Help

it is only 300 words, you just need to watch a video and it is only 20 m.and i will provid you a world fill that can help you. Once you’ve finished watching Sherry Turkle’s TedTalk, “Connected, But Al

it is only 300 words, you just need to watch a video and it is only 20 m.and i will provid you a world fill that can help you.

Once you’ve finished watching Sherry Turkle’s TedTalk, “Connected, But Alone?,” you will make the connection between this week’s readings and this video by exploring the following questions in a 300 word essay:

Which of the rules of communication do you find that you have the biggest problem abiding by/applying in your daily life? How does forgetting or neglecting this rule lead to some of the problems discussed in Turkle’s video? How can knowing the communication model and these rules help you to have more effective communication and avoid the problems that Turkle addresses? What level(s) of communication do you think that you have the most problem with either as a sender or receiver of messages? How can you work on disconnecting to connect more in your personal and professional life?

For this writing assignment, please write your essay in a word document that will be uploaded here. You should use size 12 font, Times New Roman. The essay should be double-spaced. Please pay close attention to grammar; however, this essay can be more conversational in nature as it it opinion based. https://www.ted.com/talks/sherry_turkle_alone_together?language=en

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