English Homework Help

Respond to this with 250 words and 2 apa citations. Please ask a question as well.: Although many people want to claim that teachers are born, not made, we believe that good teaching requires teache

Respond to this with 250 words and 2 apa citations. Please ask a question as well.:

Although many people want to claim that teachers are born, not made, we believe that good teaching requires teachers to create and use, expand and reject, construct and reconstruct theories of learning and teaching (Wilson and Peterson, 2006).

Classical and operant conditioning are processes that assist in learning and occur through interaction with the environment especially when teaching post secondary classes as I plan to do in the future. When associating the two conditionings, classical pairs two stimuli and operant pairs behavior and response.

Classical conditioning occurs before the response such as in Pavlov’s famous experiment with dogs. His ‘classic example’ of classic conditioning is where dogs having been conditioned or trained to associate food with the ringing of a bell. This would make the dogs salivate upon hearing the bell ring. The idea of this experiment is that a particular stimuli would produce certain responses such as a student hearing the bell ring for lunch or to go home for the day.

Operant conditioning can be positive or negative reinforcement such as immediate feedback, a reward or punishment, or bonus points in grading, etc. in a classroom setting. For example, B. F. Skinner (1953) demonstrated operant conditioning by training pigeons to perform certain tricks in response to the rewards they received (Beers, 2020).

Knowledge of the behavioral view of learning is valuable to learning and instruction because it teaches that students are essentially empty vessels waiting to be filled with knowledge, “blank slates” with no prior knowledge or experience and passive entities waiting to respond and react to the teacher’s guidance (Understand Learning Theories to Be a Better Teacher, 2017). As stated earlier, this theory also advocates positive reinforcement and immediate feedback.


Beers, B. (2020). The Study of Learning. Learning Driven Schools. From www.ASCD.org

Wilson, S. and Peterson, P. (2006). Theories of Learning and Teaching What Do They Mean for Educators? From https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED495823.pdf

Understand Learning Theories to Be a Better Teacher (2017). From https://online.lsus.edu/articles/education/understand-learning-theories.aspx   

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