English Homework Help

make a response to these two post in your own word at least 150 words each no references please 1. The Department of Housing and Urban Development administers programs that provide housing and communi

make a response to these two post in your own word at least 150 words each

no references please

1. The Department of Housing and Urban Development administers programs that provide housing and community development assistance. The Department also works to ensure fair and equal housing opportunity for all.

Discussion 2

June 27, 1934 – The Nation Housing Act creates the Federal Housing Administration(FHA), which helps provide mortgage insurance on loans for families made by FHA-approved lenders such as; Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The National Housing Act has reached thirty-one milestone amendments, modification programs and established multiple agencies. This was done to strengthen the lower income family housing markets economy and safeguard consumers (Ann Marie Kukec July 2018). HUD’s emphasized plan is to refocus on core mission and modernization of it programs with private-sector partnerships. This will strengthening the housing market and encouraging affordable housing investment. Another primary goal of HUD vision is to better protect taxpayer funds.

There are many affordable housing and homelessness programs under Community Planning and Development. These are the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), the HOME program, Shelter Plus Care, Emergency Shelter Grants (ESG), Section Eight – Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy program (Mod Rehab SRO), and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA). Many of these program require federal proposals by private sector entities that show budgetary requirements and request monetary assistance in the form of grants.


usnews.com/topics/organizations/department_of _housing_and urban_development; Zombie Housing


en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Department_of_Housing_and_ Urban_Development

research article: To Apply or Not to Apply: A Survey Analysis of Grant Writing Costs and Benefits PLOS ONE | DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone. 0118494 (March 4, 2015)

2. The purpose of the Wounded Warrior Project is to assist veterans or service members that have received a physical or mental injury, illness or wound while serving in the military on or after September 11, 2001. Veterans or service members are their primary focus. And attending their needs is their mission.

The Wounded Warrior Project was founded in 2003. They began with delivering care packages to men and women who have returned from the battlefield. In September 2005, the Wounded Warrior Project was given $2.7 million by the United Spinal Association. After this, the organization began their own projects that ranged from providing compensation, education, health care, insurance, housing, employment to wounded veterans. As the donation grew, now they were able to assist veterans with post-traumatic stress, create connections with other veterans, and making transition to the civilian life.


-Bauerlein ,2018. Wounded Warrior Project Was Once One Of The Fastest-Growing Charities Ever. Not Anymore, Retrieved from: https://taskandpurpose.com/news/wounded-warrior-project-donations (Links to an external site.)

– We Serve Injured Post 9/11 American Veterans & Service Members | WWP. Retrieved from: https://www.woundedwarriorproject.org/mission

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