English Homework Help

You must have read the assigned readings before completing this assignment, so be sure that you have done so. This assignment requires that you evaluate a speaker or oral presentation according to the

You must have read the assigned readings before completing this assignment, so be sure that you have done so. This assignment requires that you evaluate a speaker or oral presentation according to the criteria that I have provided below. Be sure to view and carefully listen to the TED Talk speaker and respond to the items below in complete sentence form.

Click the Link here to view the TED Talks video that you will evaluate.(Links to an external site.)

After you have studied the video, respond to the following items. What you are going to do is evaluate the speaker and indicate whether or not he has included the following components in his oral presentation. For instance, the first term is “Anecdote.” An “anecdote” is defined in the chapter as “A long example told as a story.” So, when you evaluate/examine the speaker, you would identify whether or not he provided an anecdote in his presentation and brief stately which anecdote he used.

1) Name one anecdote the speaker used in his presentation.

2) Briefly state who you believe to be the audience for his oral presentation.

3) Did the writer appeal to “ethos”? Briefly state how.

4) Did the writer appeal to “logos”? Briefly state how.

5) Was the introduction appealing and interesting? State why and how.

6) Did the writer appeal to “ethos”? Briefly state how.

7) What do you believe to be the purpose of the speaker’s oral presentation?

8) What do you believe to be the tone of the speaker’s oral presentation?

9) Did the speaker provide any visuals, like a power point, etc. ? Do you think that he should have provided visuals? Why or why not. Explain.

10) Give an overall thumbs up or thumbs down to the presentation. State why you gave a thumbs up or thumbs down.

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