English Homework Help

Burnt by the Sun Screening Paper – DUE BY JULY 19 AT 11:59pm For each full-length, International film that you screen in this class, you must write a paper and submit it through Turnitin. Your paper m

Burnt by the Sun Screening Paper – DUE BY JULY 19 AT 11:59pm

For each full-length, International film that you screen in this class, you must write a paper and submit it through Turnitin. Your paper must conform to the following requirements: 1. The paper must list the movie title and the basic premise of the movie (3 sentences minimum). 2. The paper must describe the historical or cultural context surrounding the film(4 sentences minimum). 3. The paper must provide a personal perspective on the film (4 sentences minimum). You can also make additional comments as appropriate. It is important that your paper is submitted on-time as the assignment submission will close after the due date.

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