English Homework Help

Discussion Questions For this discussion, complete the following steps: Make sure you have read the course content (including supplemental reading) for this lesson before starting this assignment. In

Discussion Questions

For this discussion, complete the following steps:

Make sure you have read the course content (including supplemental reading) for this lesson before starting this assignment.

In your initial post, answer the following questions:

Do the health benefits of marijuana outweigh the risks? Why or why not?

Taking your answer to Question #2a into consideration, do you believe that continued changes to marijuana laws in the United States are warranted? Why or why not?

Your post should be a minimum of 250 words (excluding references).

When discussing any health benefits or risks, you must base your statements on evidence. Support your decision with at least one source from either the supplemental reading for this lesson or any other source found through the University Libraries. Use in-text citations when you refer to the source and provide a reference for the source at the bottom of your post. Do not quote any material from any sources for this assignment; everything should be in your own words. If needed, refer back to the References and Citing module for additional information about APA guidelines for this course.

Make sure you pay attention to the rubric and meet all of the requirements to get full credit for the assignment.


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