Engineering Homework Help

Fully completethe Group Communication Theories Matrix.(NOTE: for the column titled “Real-World Example”, you should use a communication example) (NOTE: for the column titled “Application of each theor

Fully completethe Group Communication Theories Matrix.

(NOTE: for the column titled “Real-World Example”, you should use a communication example)

(NOTE: for the column titled “Application of each theory to virtual communication”, you should consider how the theory applies to online groups – whether work teams or social groups (Facebook, gaming, etc.))

Writea 350-500-word summary of your findings, addressing the following points:

  • What makes small groups and teams different from other types of groups?
  • What are 2-3 similarities between some of the theoretical perspectives?
  • What are 2-3 differences between some of the theoretical perspectives?
  • Why do we need to use different theoretical perspectives to look at small groups and teams?

Formatyour assignment according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines.

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