Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. hello world java


In Module One, you were asked to confirm your access to Codio. You were also provided a number of resources to use as an introduction to the environment and its capabilities. In this activity, you will be completing a “Hello World” web service tutorial within the Codio environment. You will be following specific steps that lead you through the creation of the introductory web service.


Steps to access the tutorial:

  • Log in to Codio.
  • Under My Courses, select IT-260 Web-Oriented Services.
  • Select Module 2 – Intro to Java.
  • Select Hello World module unit.
  • Once the unit opens, select “yes” for Start the Tutorial Now.
  • If you accidentally click “no,” you can return to the My Courses section and begin again to start the tutorial.

Follow the steps of the tutorial to complete the assignment. Take a screenshot of each step as you progress, and add it to a Word document that you will upload and submit. Based on the steps in the tutorial, you will be required to submit three screenshots to complete the assignment:

  • Step 1. Create a new Java file—Screenshot: “Your code goes here”
  • Step 2. Edit Java Code—Screenshot: Your name in the code
  • Step 3. Run your program—Screenshot: Terminal with the output of Hello World and your name

Guidelines for Submission

For this activity, you must submit a Word document that contains the three screenshots listed in the prompt.

Engineering Homework Help

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