Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. four short paragraphs

At the September 2 lecture, twelve jobs that have to be done in a team was presented. These include the following classified by four categories:


  • Organizer: organizes people and ideas.
  • Driver: pushes for speed and results.
  • Visionary: possesses long-term vision and strategic view.


  • Networker: meets new people and collects new ideas.
  • Inspirer: inspires and motivates people.
  • Carer: notices and supports people if unhappy or neglected.

Creativity and Problem-Solving

  • Creative thinker: generates the ideas.
  • Opposer: thinks about what might go wrong, finds flaws, and speaks up.
  • Judge: assesses and selects the best answer.


  • Detail person: checks quality and finishes things.
  • Systems-manager: organizes and sets up efficient processes.
  • Stayer: has staying power, is patient and fine with routine and repetition.

Examine the twelve jobs that have to be done in a team. From the list, identify four (out of the twelve) jobs you believe you are naturally inclined to undertake. Provide a short paragraph explaining why for each job.

This assignment is a qualitative effort. The grade will be based upon your own words and thoughts about your code of ethics. Context will count for 40 points and grammar and spelling will count for 10 points. Essays are due as a Canvas upload in PDF format, only.

Engineering Homework Help

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