Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Advanced water treatment

Prepare a report about advanced water treatment from the attached papers including the following :


List of Tables

Provide the list of tables with CCE Harvard style referencing

List of figures

Provide the list of figures with CCE Harvard style referencing

Abstract (Minimum 1 page)

Abstract about Advance water treatment

Introduction (Minimum 3 pages)

Literature review (Minimum 5 page)

Summarized all papers

Methodology (Minimum 5 page)

Include all papers methods and details figures

Result & Discussion (Minimum 5 page)

Discuss all papers results and finding

Conclusion & recomindations (Minimum 1 page)

Summarized the finding and conclusion for all papers and give recommendations

References CCE Harvard style

Note :

I will provide technical papers as reference to prepare this report

summarized all the supplied papers

Same papers topic can be combined in one paragraph with reference

Report should be paraphrase (less than 10 % plagiarism)

Provide more figures

Minimum 25 pages for all the report (Arial 12 line spacing )

i will provide document for how to do CCE Harvard style

Engineering Homework Help

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