Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Arizona University InEight Estimate Construction Technology Analytical Essay

Hello I want someone to help me with my project and i will attach the part one of the project so you can have some Ideas about my chosen Software : InEight Software , please read the instruction below.

Part 2: Project

After your proposal is approved, you may begin working on the project. You will explore the technology and learn how to use it to solve the problem you have identified. This will likely require extensive trial and error, watching instructional videos online, and coordinating with your TA during project lab sessions to brainstorm solutions to the challenges you encounter. This process can be challenging initially, but is extremely important to your ability to learn-how-to-learn a new technology. At the conclusion of this process, you will create a tutorial (for both users and managers), a demonstration video, and a documentation of “failures” that you experienced during your learning process, as detailed below. These will constitute your final deliverables for the project.

Project Deliverables:

For the final output of your work, you will need to develop the following items:

Tutorial (PDF) 60% of Project Grade

(30%) Include a detailed, written instruction guide that would enable you to effectively teach another student or colleague how to use the technology that you have learned. You should include screenshots where possible, and include descriptions of relevant content where necessary. Furthermore, you may find it helpful to annotate on top of the screenshots to indicate specific portions of the screen that are relevant to a reader. If you are unsuccessful at achieving your stated learning objective, you will need to include a tutorial for the functionality that you were successful at achieving during your efforts.

(30%) Include a detailed description of how this application should be applied in industry. This content is expected to provide guidance to managers on projects to support decision-making. Be sure to discuss:

What types of project contexts would benefit from the use of this technology (i.e., types of projects, contract types, delivery methods, other relevant factors)?

What technological infrastructure would be required if the technology workflow you studied would be scaled up for use on a real project? If the exact same infrastructure you used can be used for a larger project, discuss how this process may be impacted by practical concerns that may emerge. If the exact same infrastructure you used would not be realistic, explain how and why this infrastructure would need to change to benefit a real project.

What skill sets would be required from team members to implement it? Would most practitioners be able to do what you have learned? Would they require training? Would there need to be a dedicated technology lead point of contact? Justify your recommendation.

How would you measure success and why would this technology potentially lead to improvement? Remember the strategies that we discussed throughout this semester. Be sure to state: what metric you would collect; how you would collect this metric; and why success in this metric would provide undeniable value.

Demonstration (Video) 30% of Project Grade

Include a video that illustrates you using your selected technology to accomplish your stated learning objective. In the event that you are unsuccessful at achieving your stated learning objective, you will not be eligible for full credit on this portion of your grade. However, you will have an opportunity in the subsequent section to receive extra credit to offset points lost here. (See below.)

Documentation of “failures” (PDF) 10% – 40% of Project Grade (All students must document minimum number of failures for 10%, but may earn up to 30% additional extra credit if they were unsuccessful at producing a functioning demonstration of their work)

When learning any new technology, frequently users learn how to use a tool by learning how NOT to use it. (i.e., you may discover that certain model formats cannot be read, or certain technology settings inhibit performance). While frustrating, these “failures” are actually a good thing for your learning. These struggles help you to more effectively remember how to use the technology correctly after struggling when using it incorrectly.

In this section, you must include a minimum of 5 “failures” that you experience during your learning process. A failure is defined as any technology workflow you try that does not lead to, or directly support, successful accomplishment of your learning objective. You should document failures in much the same way as you will document successes in your tutorial PDF. For each you must include:


Explanation of what you were trying to do

Explanation of why/how it failed or led to a non-ideal outcome.

Summary of how you overcame the failure, or if you did not overcome the failure summarize how you researched solving the failure.

Please note that these “failures” will be reviewed by the instructors and grader. Any disingenuous failures (i.e., “I tried to use the software with my computer unplugged while it was out of power but it didn’t work.”) will not be counted toward your minimum number of “failures” for this project.

Similarly, if you have not encountered at least 5 failures while targeting your learning objective, explore further functionalities and scenarios to learn the ways in which the technology may not be successful at supporting your learning objective.

If you find yourself in a situation where you are not able to figure out how to achieve your stated learning objective, you will inevitably experience far more failures than expected. Therefore, if you document 15 additional failures to illustrate a genuine effort to learn the application, you may offset all of the points lost from the video demonstration section. In this way, even if you are unsuccessful in learning your stated learning objective, you are still eligible for full credit on this project.

Please note that students may not receive more than 100% in total points on this project, even if extra credit points are targeted in addition to achieving the targeted learning objective.

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