Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. 3D printing of metals or ceramics by material extrusion

Project Presentation(slides)

Should follow the format of
a research paper: Introduction, Materials/Methods, Results, Discussions,
Conclusions, and References.

In the Discussion section,
the presenter should criticize the referenced research, where he/she should
suggest better ways in terms of 3D printing processes/materials (hypothesis can
be introduced for this purpose)

More than 5 research papers/proceedings
should be read.

Use of websites, video links, and any
multi-media materials is highly encouraged


Should be written by the presenter (plagiarism will be checked).

Should consist of the research paper format including Abstract and Keywords.

At least 5-page with single-spacing, 12 fonts (Times New Roman) and 1” margin

Discussions are the most important part, which will be more weighted (more than 1 page is favorable).

Engineering Homework Help

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