Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. FIN 364 Money and Banking Course Project

Below I will provide a description of the course project, the grading rubric, and the annotated bibliography that I have created with the sources I want you to use. You should be able to find the sources by googling them, or looking them up on an online library database. You can also feel free to add any additional resources you may use, just make sure to add them to the bibliography and provide a brief description. I will also include my topic proposal document that includes my annotated bibliography so far.


  1. What has been the impact of the 2007-2008 mortgage crisis on the money supply in the United States? What actions did the Federal Reserve take in response to the mortgage crisis?

Paper: The final research paper will consist of a 5- to 6-page, typed, double-spaced paper (750-1,500 words) with at least one graphic (such as a graph or table) that is due at the end of Week 7. The paper should include a title page, an introduction stating the purpose of the paper, the text (5-6 pages), graphic(s), a conclusion, and a bibliography.

Project: Research Paper

Category Points % Description
Title Page 5 4% Please follow proper APA format for your title page.
Introduction 5 4% Describe the money and banking topic that you have selected and identify why it is significant. Present any relevant background or facts that will enable the reader to understand the topic and/or issues in a clear manner.
Research Question 10 7% Identify and clearly state the research question. Focus on the primary topic(s) and describe related issues in a clear and concise manner.
Topic Research 35 27% Connect the research question and related topics to specific money and banking concepts. Name the topical area (e.g., monetary policy strategies in response to an economic recession). Then complete a synthesis of at least four scholarly, professional studies, or articles that are relevant.
Topic Discussion 55 43% Discuss the research question and topic, taking into consideration the research that has been conducted. The strength of this section is to apply the concepts from our text, class discussions, and your research. Discuss the ideas and insights that are most valuable in assisting you in understanding the elements of the topic you have selected. The paper will be evaluated on the basis of whether or not the content reflects good research and good analysis.
Graphic 5 4% In the body of the paper or within an appendix, at least one graphic is included that is appropriate (e.g., a table, chart, etc.) that helps to illustrate a point.
Total 130 100 A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.

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