Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. prepare your own budget.

Something different this week – instead of a writing assignment or a data assignment, I want you to prepare your own budget. Consider your income, spending, expenses, and savings goals. It is NEVER too soon to have a budget. The difference between someone who has money left to do the things they want, and someone who is always to broke to do anything – isn’t income! It’s planning.

So this week, use Excel, or a tool like or such – to write your own personal budget. I know everyone thinks about rent, groceries, bills, etc. But think longer term. What about oil changes and car maintenance? Clothes shopping? Also think about where your money really goes. (GREAT article on that:

Really put some thought into this one. Don’t just hack down some numbers and turn something in for (probably only half) credit. How would you make this sustainable? How would you check it to see how you are doing?

Could you design a tool that made sure you had enough money left over each month to meet your goals? What ARE your saving and spending goals??

If you do not want to share your finances – just change the numbers around before you turn it in. No problem.

If anyone needs any help, or wants advice – Just ask! I’m here to help

Economics Homework Help

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