Computer Science Homework Help

Choose a security incident from 2019 that is not covered in Module 6 ( Cambridge Analytica) and provide a report of approximately 300 words on that incident. Please example the terms of compromise re

Choose a security incident from 2019 that is not covered in Module 6 ( Cambridge Analytica)  and provide a report of approximately 300 words on that incident. Please example the terms of compromise regarding the CIA TRIAD ) Confidentiality, Integrity, and availability.)

I have provided an example below:

Whats AApp

May 14, 2019: Facebook is facing another data privacy scandal after a WhatsAApp data breach. The messaging app, which has over 1.5 billion users worldwide, experienced a security flaw that left people vulnerable to spyware designed by the NSO Group, an Israeli government surveillance agency. Those affected would have been able to be spied on through their phone’s microphone and camera, WhatsAApp messages, and connected ap

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