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Final Written Assignment . Requirements:2-3 Pages, not including title page and referencesAPA formattingOriginal writing, no re-wording, no direct quotes Topic: Net Neutrality Briefly (and neutrally)

Final Written Assignment . Requirements:2-3 Pages, not including title page and referencesAPA formattingOriginal writing, no re-wording, no direct quotes Topic: Net Neutrality Briefly (and neutrally) describe the concept of Net Neutrality as defined in the literature. Don’t take a position on it, like whether we need it, just describe the concept in a half page or so. Describe gaps in current laws or regulations surrounding Net Neutrality as identified in the literature (cite 3-5 researchers). This is where you could bring in both sides of the argument, for and against Net Neutrality regulation. Propose a policy that would fill the gap. Include 1) your recommendations for measuring compliance, and 2) a future research project that would shed light on the policy’s cost, impact, success or failure
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