Computer Science Homework Help

This assignment handles object oriented programming: Write a main class named myNumberList which has the following functions: – constructor: has an optional argument that will be added to the list – a

This assignment handles object oriented programming:Write a main class named myNumberList which has the following functions:- constructor: has an optional argument that will be added to the list- add(value): will insert it at the end of the list- remove(value): will remove the item from the list (if item is there multiple times, it removes all occurrences.- head(): returns the value in the beginning of the list- getList(): will return the list- if I call print(myNumberList) the list should be printed

Write a subclass named myRevOrderedNumberList (from high to low) which has overwrites- head() function and returns the highest value and- overwrites the print functionality to be printed appropriately- getList(): will return the list

Some general notes:- your lists do only handle numbers (float + int); if a function receives anything else, print a warning and ignore it.- if variables are used, they should be all private

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