Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Damn Vulnerable Web Application

To see DVWA files please click here:

Here is a quick guide to installing it in Kali (You might want to have a Kali Linux installed at VirtualBox at this point)

* You can also set up DVWA in your Windows host. Then you would be accessing it through its IP address from the Kali browser. That is a more common setting for IT security professionals but also a bit more complicated.

Install VirtualBox and have a Kali OS running in it. (If you have not already)

Host DVWA in Kali (or in Windows host)

Set DVWA security level to low:…

Follow the guide in the link below to perform SQL injection hacks. Take a few screenshots of exploiting SQL injection on DVWA at the low-security.

I need the homework report which is explained above. The report includes all steps’ screenshots with the explanations under the screenshots to show how we can do that homework. Please see attached file to get a referance of the homework report which belongs to the different homework.

Computer Science Homework Help

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