Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Web Apps Security


Do a bit of research on penetration testing techniques. Investigate and document the following

Five network penetration testing techniques

Advantages and disadvantages of each

One notable social engineering test

Possible negative implications of penetration tesing

Please write between 200 and 300 words


Do some research on Threat Response software. Find one particular software package to investigate.

What does the software do?

What are it’s major features?

What kind of training is required?

How much does the software cost?

Do not do the same software as everyone else.

Write 200-300 of your own words and submit in a WORD document here.


Do some research on Threat Response software. Find one particular software package to investigate.

What does the software do?

What are it’s major features?

What kind of training is required?

How much does the software cost?

Do not do the same software as everyone else.

Write 200-300 of your own words and submit in a WORD document here.

Computer Science Homework Help

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