Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. CS 470 Southern New Hampshire University Lambdas Code Project


In this assignment, you will create Lambdas to execute the code to access the database and perform all of the CRUD functions.


Create and execute the Lambdas to access the database by following the CS 470 Module Five Assignment Two Guide along with the Module Five Source Code ZIP file.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  • Create five Lambdas:
    • TableScan
    • GetSingleRecord
    • UpsertQuestion
    • UpsertAnswer
    • DeleteRecord
  • Create a table-level security policy allowing Lambdas to access the tables before you test.
  • Create a Lambda-level security policy attaching to each of the Lambdas you have created.
  • Test to prove that the Lambdas work against each database for each function.

Guidelines for Submission

  • Submit the following six screenshots to Brightspace to show the successful completion of your work.
    1. Three test runs for Part One: QuestionWithoutFilter, QuestionWithFilter, and AnswerWithoutFilter
    2. Two test runs for Part Two: TestGetQuestion and TestGetAnswer
    3. The directory structure and index.js file in the Lambda window for
      UpsertQuestion and UpsertAnswer (See Part Three, Step 8 in the guide.)
    4. Two test runs for Part Three: TestInsertQuestion and TestInsertAnswer
    5. Two test runs for Part Four: TestDeleteQuestion and TestDeleteAnswer
    6. JSON policy:
      1. Click on the Permissions tab on any of the Lambdas.
      2. Click the role name.
      3. Click the policy name.
      4. Take the screenshot.

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