Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. MIS 6995 University at Albany Centralized and User Dominated IT MGT Discussion

MIS6995, Wk 4


Utilize the South University Online Library or the Internet to locate the following:

  • An article advocating centralized management of the IT function
  • An article advocating user-dominated management of IT

Discuss your findings in each article and present your analysis of which aspects of each method seem most beneficial to the companies mentioned overall.

The identified articles should be scholarly and independent sources.

Complete the assignment in a 1- to 2-page Microsoft Word document. Cite all sources using the correct APA style. the discussion.


Course Project

The last items to include in your portfolio are necessary to assist you in clarifying your understanding of the information systems (IS) discipline and to apply that knowledge to real-life situations. Below are the required concluding elements:

  1. Create a LinkedIn account and create a profile that will leverage the self-analysis work and some of the deliverables completed for this course.
  2. Define, perform, and document an individualized IS-related activity not directly taken from a course assignment, which you would consider (in consultation with your instructor) to be value-adding to job positioning.
  3. Improve/extend on any of the five high-stake assignments selected. If you kept all the assignments intact, make sure to comment about that.
  4. In the event that you have performed suboptimally on any given assignment out of the selected set when you completed the assignment in your prior course work, you can improve upon that assignment prior to its inclusion in the portfolio; this is strictly voluntary.

Computer Science Homework Help

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