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Computer Science Homework Help. Ashford Gaps Identified IT Plan and Financial Considerations Paper

Gaps Identified, IT Plan, and Financial Considerations

[CLOs: 2, 3]

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read Chapters 3 and 4 in the Smith (2013) Wiley CIO: Straight to the Top: CIO Leadership in a Mobile, Social, and Cloud-Based World e-book and the Mårtensson (2006) article. You will need to research one additional scholarly resource in the University of Arizona Global Campus Library to support your work in this assignment.

You will be including revised content from this assignment in your Integrative IT Strategic Plan final assignment. You may wish to review the instructions included for the Integrative IT Strategic Plan in Week Six prior to completing work on this assignment to see how it fits into the overall final assignment.

In this assignment, you will analyze the gaps between the current state and the future state of the organization, as well as analyze the costs for meeting the challenge scenario by creating a pro forma budget for the IT challenge that incorporates business demands and goals. The paper must include the following headings and content. For assistance with formatting heading in APA style, see the Writing Center (Links to an external site.).

Gaps Identified and IT Plan
Evaluate the interrelationships between user needs, business goals, and technology solutions to create an enterprise IT plan that addresses identified gaps. These would include proactive change management, ethical considerations, and communication plans. Propose positive motivation initiatives to use during the plan’s execution.

  • Provide an analysis of the difference between the current state and the future state of the organization you developed in Weeks 2 and 3.
  • Evaluate the fit between the technology solutions users will need and the goals of the organization.
  • Create a road map that shows the high-level time line for the major elements in your plan from current state to future state. Include any personnel changes that are part of the plan in the road map. The map may be a visual flow chart graphic or a Gantt chart.

Financial Considerations
In this section, you will analyze the costs for meeting the challenge scenario by creating a pro forma budget for the IT challenge that incorporates business demands and goals. The pro forma budget will include high-level financial impacts and considerations of your proposed plan and explain the primary concerns for the organization with respect to the major elements.

  • Provide an assessment of the costs, risks, and rewards of your plan.
  • Justify the costs of your plan.
  • Assess the primary risks you identified.
  • Explain what your plan does to mitigate the risks.
  • Justify your assessment by referring to elements you identified in your gap analysis. [You may also reference sources from this and previous courses to support your justification.]
  • Create a pro forma 2 or 3 year budget table that outlines the major expenditures for implementing your Integrative IT Strategic Plan.

The Gaps Identified, IT Plan, and Financial Considerations paper

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