Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. I want the code written in DR Racket and I want the code written in R5RS language

Given a directory structure in Scheme, print the sum of the file sizes.

A directory is a list of three items – “D”, a name and a list of contents.

There can only be one top-level directory, but there can be any number of nested subdirectories.

A file is a list of three items – “F”, a name and a file size.

Note – there is a Scheme built-in that you will need for this – the string compare function of eq?

> (eq? “A” “B”)


f> (eq? “C” “C”)


Attached, please find an example directory structure and the function “skeleton” that I used for my solution.

You DO NOT HAVE TO use my function names or skeleton. Please be sure that ANY directory structure can be parsed with your code – DO NOT CODE TO THIS EXAMPLE. Your solution MUST BE recursive.

Download Dr Racket here:

Make sure that you set your language to R5RS.

Computer Science Homework Help

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