Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Carefully review and read both case studies found in your textbook from Pages 131-132 and 182-184 Sharda, R., Delen, D., & Turban, E. (2015) Business intelligence and analytics: Systems for decision support (10th ed.). Boston: Pearson.

After reading and analyzing both studies, address all case study questions found within the case studies in scholarly detail prepared in a professionally formatted APA paper.

When concluding the paper, expand your analytical and critical thinking skills to develop ideas as a process or operation of steps visually represented in a flow diagram or any other type of created illustration to support your idea which can be used as a proposal to the entity or organization in the cases to correct or improve any case related issues addressed. This is required for both cases.

When developing illustrations to support a process or operation of steps, Microsoft Word has a tool known as “Smart Art” which is ideal for the development of these types of illustrations or diagrams. To get acquainted with this tool, everyone can visit using a keyword search “Microsoft Word Smart Art Tutorials” to find many video demonstrations in using this tool.

Minimum Paper Expectations

  • Page Requirements: The overall paper supporting both cases will include a minimum of “4” pages of written content.
  • Research Requirements: The overall paper will be supported with a minimum of “3” academic sources of research and one of the sources can be the textbook.
  • Application Technology: Microsoft Word will be used to prepare this paper.
  • Professional Format: APA will be used to prepare the professional layout and documentation of research.
  • Important Note: Do not fall below minimum page and research requirements

Computer Science Homework Help

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