Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Cryptography

Write 7-8 pages in length excluding the title and reference pages about the following:

  • Background about Cryptography (include a history of Cryptography and the needs for that)
  • The relationship between Cryptography and the CIA tried
  • The use and importance of cryptographic functions such as encrypt, decrypt, and manipulate data, network communications, etc.
  • The use and function of the most common cryptographic protocols: DES, 3DES, AES, RSA, etc. ( All need to be described adequately and how each works logically)
  • The use of hashing (importance of that and how it helps to promote security). Also, you need to describe the hashing protocols such as MD5,SAH256, etc…
  • How Diffie-Hellman protocol works step by step and (Picture or image would be preferred in addition to the explanation), the importance of this protocol.

Be sure your paper adheres to the academic writing standards and APA style guidelines, citing credible references as appropriate.

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Computer Science Homework Help

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