Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Spark Lab (Apache Spark)

Spark Lab (Use the Databricks Community Edition, a free version)


Download the movilens dataset for “education and development” from this URL:

Upload it to Databricks using either wget command or manually uploading.

Read the files into different RDDs.

Answer the following questions:

1. Join the movies and ratings tables, and give the names of the top 10 movies with the highest ratings

Hint: use join function

2. Now join the movies and tags tables, and output the NAMES all movies with the tag ‘mathematics’

3. What is the average ratings of movies that contain the tag ‘artificial intelligence’

4. What is the average rating of movies that have the genre ‘Crime’

5. Which is the most popular tag?

Answer the attached questions and submit the public URL of your notebook


Please provide me with the commands that you ran.

Provide the URL for the Published Notebook

Computer Science Homework Help

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